In the digital age, connecting with others online has become increasingly common. Unfortunately, not all online connections are sincere, as some individuals seek to take advantage of vulnerable individuals for their own gain. Romance scams, in particular, have become a prevalent issue, especially among elderly people. These scams often involve building a fake emotional connection with the victim in order to extort money from them.
During a recent visit to, I discovered a compelling section that showcases real-life stories of individuals who have survived romance scams and successfully restored their trust in others. These personal narratives provide insight into the devastating repercussions of such scams, both emotionally and financially. Witnessing how these individuals have triumphed over such adversity and emerged stronger is truly motivating. Their accounts underscore the significance of being vigilant and cautious when establishing online relationships. By sharing their stories, they not only raise awareness about the prevalence of romance scams but also offer valuable advice and insights to those facing similar situations. Furthermore, the website's resources are indispensable for those impacted by romance scams. Offering guidance on avoiding scams, as well as information on where to find help and support, the website equips individuals with the knowledge to safeguard themselves and recover from any losses. It is essential to foster open dialogues about romance scams and online exploitation. By sharing real stories and highlighting the experiences of those affected, we can educate others on warning signs and empower them to prevent falling victim to similar scams. In conclusion, the "Surviving Romance Scams and Rebuilding Trust" section on is a valuable resource shedding light on a significant issue affecting numerous individuals, particularly elderly women. By listening to these narratives and drawing lessons from others' experiences, we can contribute to establishing a safer online environment for all.
Testimonials of Survivors of Romance Scammers
After a military personnel commented on one of my social media posts, I responded with respect, saying, "Thank you for your service." Upon further investigation of this individual online, his photo and credentials from official government information appeared to be authentic. The same applied to his Facebook profile(s). It was noted that he had 3-4 Facebook accounts. This prompted me to select one.
That's when the Messenger text exchanges commenced.
What could be more intriguing than conversing with a military officer of high rank! However, despite our differences—I am not inclined towards war or serene camping—we found common ground in our shared sense of humor. It turns out, that was just a facade. Money is the only thing that holds importance for him/them. The messages received from these individuals are filled with affection, encouragement, and love—all carefully crafted and premeditated—from the affectionate goodnights to the warm morning greetings.
I developed concerns on his warring activities in Iraq. How he and his men defeated ISIS at one point. He needed medical support after being shot by the enemies "on his way back to the US". Everything was "real" from the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, to hospital bills. But his health insurance was not enough. So the unsuspecting victim who is "mouah" (me) of course dutifully got play cards and cryptocurrencies for payments and services.
While in India, my "hero" received Ayurvedic infusion as part of the treatment to fully eliminate the poison from his body. Alongside the rituals and prayers, it is believed that "he" obtained a form of absolution for his wrongdoings, pun intended. Quite enlightening!
The meeting in NYC was supposedly happening but "my hero" was apprehended at JFK for a charge of "demoralization of his men". He was flown to Kansas Penitentiary the worst place you could ever be. He stated that he was beaten a few times by a military team to confess. Two of his men whom he trained even testified against him . I guess the judge was against him too. He gave a 7-year sentence + hard labor. The "good" lawyer's was paid $3,000. He asked for a plea bargain and judge agreed on a $25,00 bail. H-m-m-m.
Meanwhile, a hired diplomat paid a $1000 customs fee to secure the release of my "hero's" portfolio in Baghdad. Subsequently, he was in negotiations with customs officials in San Francisco to secure the release of the portfolio for an additional $25,000.
During our recent phone conversation, his African accent raised doubts about his credibility as a diplomat, fueling suspicions of involvement in romance scams. However, this expectation was short-lived. Instead of escalating tension, the situation took an unexpected turn. It came to light when my daughter and son-in-law intervened, revealing that my supposed true love was, in fact, a genuine romance scammer.
Anonymous Victim